Publisher Surveys

Publisher Survey’s offer an excellent opportunity to gain valuable market knowledge from a targeted audience. Our publisher will work with you throughout the entire process:

  1. Question Development
  2. Survey Execution
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Presentation Preparation

Custom Research

Our Custom Research consists of a maximum 5-question online survey that offers qualitative and quantitative information collected directly from the market you want to reach.  We build the online survey & collect, analyze and present the results. Research can be used to measure the following:

  1. Brand Awareness
  2. Ad Effectiveness
  3. Market Research
  4. Trend Analysis

Product Lead Report

Human Resource Executive Product Lead Reports place valuable sales and market knowledge at your fingertips. Each report arms you with current sales-oriented information on key prospects—a virtual directory of buyers of your specific product or service including details on:

  1. Sales prospect’s name and title
  2. Company name, address, phone number, and email
  3. Specific products and services to be purchased within 12 months
  4. Budgets allocated for these purchases

Signet Ad Performance Study

Measure the effectiveness of your advertisement in reaching our readers. Signet Research surveys readers and measures how they perceive your advertisement in the following categories:

  1. Attention-getting
  2. Believable
  3. Informative